Staff leasing

Staff Leasing

Staff leasing offers permanent or temporary help with the company & manpower needs. For example, peak seasons, substitutions or project-based work may require more labor even on a fast schedule, in which case it is worth turning to temporary labor – staff leasing is an affordable and flexible solution to ensure the smooth operation of
the company.

Unexpected business interruptions are the most expensive for companies. Scandic Supply helps to minimize them
by ensuring that you always have skilled workforce at your disposal. We take care of the adequacy of personnel
resources in all situations. So that you don’t have to.

The personnel rental company bears the responsibility for employee recruitment, salary and other obligations of
the employer.

The customer company is only responsible for familiarization with the task during the leased employment
relationship, work tools and evaluation of the performance of the tasks.

See our industry-specific solutions or send a form and request more information.